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FARE Green - Green Education Empowering Communities

The project targets small Nordic towns, particularly coastal areas, addressing challenges like population decline and economic limitations. It promotes responsible tourism practices that preserve cultural and natural heritage while creating opportunities by leveraging local skills and resources.

Collaboration between Nordic communities fosters knowledge exchange, addressing shared challenges and supporting sustainable regional growth.

The specialized vocational training programs under development are designed to meet the specific needs of local industries and communities, ensuring relevant skills and knowledge. Small-scale tourism projects are developed to be locally managed, sustainable, and culturally respectful, often involving community-based experiences.

Project period: 2024 - 2027

Partners: Fagskulen Vestland (NO), Fagskolen Rogaland (NO), Center for Lifelong Learning (IS), EMZ (IS), Go Local (FO) and Niagara College (CA).

The project is co-funded by Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA), an intergovernmental cooperation under the Nordic Council of Ministers' regional policy cooperation programme.