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CaBatt  - Capacity Building for Battery Teachers in Vocational Education and Training

Europe is facing an emerging battery industry in need of a growing workforce.  With this project we want to capacitate VET teachers around Europe with state-of-art battery skills and networks enhancing VET providers´ability to provide quality training for the battery sector. This project builds on needs found in the Erasmus+ project ALBATTS.

The project intends to arrange 5 international thematic training courses for VET teachers within the battery sector are created and piloted. They consist of an on-line part and a 3-day contact learning event. The learning events are thematic and are taking place in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Portugal and Czech Republic. Each course is planned and carried out according to Quality standards for Erasmus+ courses under Key Action1 (learning mobility of individual learners). Digital badges are developed for each course to facilitate recognition.

Projec period: 2023-2026

Project partners: VAMIA (FI, Coordinator), Fagskulen Vestland (NO), ATEC (PT), Skellefteå Kommun (SE), Technical University of Ostrava (CZ).

Further information: CaBatt Homepage

co funded by Erasmus+