International collaboration
Transnational partnerships and cooperation projects are increasing focus areas for our school, and international collaboration is set as a strategic goal. This includes project collaboration and staff mobility in order to pursue innovation in education and to develop new educational programmes.
We find great value in collaborating with other international partners whom we share the same challenges and priorities with. For questions or project proposals, please contact our international coordinator:
Hege Fjeld, international coordinator:
Erasmus+ projects
Erasmus+ for vocational training provides opportunities for individuals, including VET learners, apprentices, teachers, trainers, and staff, to undertake mobility experiences abroad. This can include different staff mobilities such as job shadowing, teaching assignments and training courses in other countries. This mobility programme is designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and teaching methods of VET teachers, ultimately benefiting their students and vocational training programmes.
Fagskulen Vestland is currently involved in the following Erasmus+-projects:
Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence (H2CoVE)
The Hydrogen Centres of Vocational Excellence (H2CoVE) project aims to equip the European workforce with the right and necessary high-quality vocational skills for industries in the emerging value chains for a hydrogen economy. Five regions will pool their knowledge and expertise to build local ecosystems for skills. The need for investments in infrastructure for production, storage and end-use applications for hydrogen is enormous, a skilled workforce is a prerequisite. The partner regions have complementary assets and specialisations across the hydrogen value chain and will help to build capacity across Europe through cooperation. Among the objectives of the project is the aim to improve required knowledge and skills among students, workers, and the potential workforce on basic and advanced applications for the hydrogen economy, and to develop courses, modules and education programmes which answer to the needs of the industry in the partner regions at different VET levels.
Project period: 2024-2028.
Further information: (web page under construction)
The Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills (ALBATTS)
The Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills (ALBATTS) aims to be a major contribution to the green mobility in Europe. As the European battery value chain is being developed, organisations from the demand and supply side of skills/competences are brought together, to establish a blueprint for preparedness of future skills across Europe. VET providers and Universities will work in coordination with the demand side in order to identify and develop the relevant competences required to fulfil their economic activity. Fagskulen Vestland is an active affiliated partner through Vestland County Council.
Further information:
Capacity Building for Battery Teachers in Vocational Education and Training (CaBATT)
Building on ALBATTS, the CaBATT-project aims to capacitate VET teachers around Europe with state-of-the-art battery skills and networks. Through creating and piloting a series of thematic training courses it will ensure an increased number of teachers with battery skills and networks around Europe. These teachers will then be able to provide quality state-of art training for students that will answer to the workforce needs of the emerging battery sector, thus facilitating the green transition in Europe. Fagskulen Vestland is partner in the project and will, together with Corvus Energy, host the first international Batteries Teachers and Trainers Forum Course on Maritime Sector and Batteries in December 2023.
Further information: CaBatt (
European Platform for VET Excellence in Health Care (EUVECA)
EUVECA is an ERASMUS+ project designed to support necessary innovation and development within the health care sector by ensuring the availability of future-oriented skills and training.
At the heart of the project is the creation of seven European Regional Vocational Excellence Hubs, which will collaborate using a European Platform for Vocational Excellence in Health Care. The overall ambition of the EUVECA project is to show that by including a strategic and coordinated focus on VET in the work and collaboration within the regional health ecosystems, VET can contribute in a substantial way to move innovation forward within the European health care sector and ensure the sustainability of the sector on both a European and regional level.
Fagskulen Vestland is an affiliated partner in the Norwegian Regional VET Excellence Hub.
Further information: